
Golf Southland Vaccination Policy

Thursday, 10 Feb 2022

The Golf Southland Board is committed to the health and safety of all its stakeholders, which includes all;

  •  Staff,
  •  Volunteers,
  •  Members of development and representative teams,
  •  All parties involved with Golf Southland (GS) programmed events including but not limited        to coaches/contractors, host clubs, representatives from district clubs and golf participants.

Over the past few months, GS has been working with the clubs across the Southland District and Golf NZ to ensure that all clubs understand and adhere to the new protection framework system. There are a number of different approaches that clubs have taken to work within the framework, some that allow vaccinated participants only onto the course while other clubs are allowing unvaccinated players to play on the course but not into the clubrooms or café/bar.

GS has considered these approaches when planning all GS events including; pennants, tournaments, representative teams and delegate meetings. Feedback has been sought regarding vaccination status for those who attend GS administered events and overwhelmingly, the responses have indicated that clubs wish to see all players are fully vaccinated when attending these events.

Based upon this feedback, the Golf Southland Board have agreed that for the 2022 season or unless otherwise notified, ALL GS administered events will require proof of double vaccination for all players and caddies to participate in the event. An exemption may be granted if a player meets the government’s exemption criteria and provides the appropriate documentation which can be found here.

For pennants matches, it will be up to the manager/team captain to ensure all players meet these criteria. If an ineligible player is found to be competing, the team’s points on the day will be removed and additional points and sanction penalties may be applied.

Host clubs will be responsible for administering verification at all pennant and interclub fixtures.

At all other GS events, verification will be undertaken by GS representatives. Proof of current vaccination status will be required to be verified before players begin play.

As the pandemic and its variants move and change, so may the definition of fully vaccinated. This definition, as it applies to this eligibility clause, may also change in real time, any changes being advised to all clubs directly and immediately, and posted on the Golf Southland Website.

Golf Southland Board

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